1. Wise County Regional Learning Academy, USA
2. Virginia Tech, USA
Disseminating knowledge about instructional strategies in collaboratively taught K–12 classrooms can improve the learning environment for students with disabilities. This literature review identifies ways that co-teaching occurs in general education settings and is facilitated by stakeholders. Research questions were: What evidence-based strategies are utilized in cotaught K–12 inclusive classrooms? And how is the co-teaching initiative supported by the parties responsible for their development, implementation, and success? Evidence-based strategies for the general classroom are described along with stakeholder responsibilities. The comprehensive synthesis of salient sources is US based and limited in applicability. Practitioners might consider the solutions and recommendations presented when navigating co-teaching and inclusive practices. Trends favor the instructional co-teaching approach for infusing inclusive strategies, and support research and application. This analysis contributes to the growing body of research on effective collaborative teaching strategies.