1. Graphic Era Hill University, India
2. Galgotias University, India
With the rapid growth of quantity of data in various domains, the necessity for resourceful processing systems has become dominant. This paper investigates the Artificial Intelligence (AI) for solving real word problems using big data processing. AI sub fields such as computer vision, machine learning and natural language processing are heavily used in the field of big data processing. By using these emerging technologies, mining complex data and fetching useful information become an easy task. After pandemic, all sectors including medical and health care used the AI technologies for data processing in order to get vaccine fast. This paper also investigates how all sector planned their action to deal with new challenges and opportunities. To enhance the precision, scalability and accuracy in big data processing and manipulating tasks, the integration of multiple new technologies required like Hadoop Spark and distributed computing. This work also covers these integration and innovation so that we can take more advantage of existing things. Moreover, there exist real world case studies from a different sector such as healthcare, finance, business etc which shows the revolution in big data processing.