Verification Platforms in Combating Disinformation on COVID-19 Vaccine News “Dogrula”


Atay Aygül1


1. Independent Researcher, Turkey


This chapter examines the fact-checking content focusing on misinformation and fake news about COVID-19 vaccines, especially in the media, through the example of Doğrula (doğ, an international fact-checking organization (ICFN) approved fact-checking platform. The data were obtained from the website of the relevant platform ( Based on the problem that many distortions, fake news, and claims about COVID-19 vaccines are shared through digital media, the study examines Doğrula's evaluations of the posts about COVID-19 vaccines circulated in digital media channels. The descriptive analysis method, one of the qualitative research types, was used in the study. Data were obtained through the document analysis technique. Due to a large amount of data to be analyzed within the scope of the study, it covers a one-year period from 25.02.2021 to 25.02.2022, the date when Doğrula first published content.


IGI Global

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