1. Universidad Andres Bello, Chile
2. Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Chile
The map matching problem arises when GPS measurements are incorrectly assigned to the roadway network in a GIS environment. This chapter presents a real-time topological decision rule-based methodology that detects and solves spatial mismatches as GPS measurements are collected. A real-time map matching methodology is required in several applications, such as fleet management, transit control and management, and travel behavior studies, in which decision-making must be performed simultaneously with the movement of vehicles, individuals, or objects. A computational implementation in a real case scenario in Chile indicates that the algorithm successfully resolves over 96% of the spatial mismatches encountered in real time. Various algorithmic parameter values were employed to test the performance of the algorithm for data collected every 5 and 10 seconds. Overall, the algorithm requires larger buffer sizes and speed ranges to obtain better results with lower spatial data qualities.