Literacy Learning and Assessment for the Digital Age


Leach April Marie1


1. Northcentral University, USA


Multiple forms of media or multimodal media (MMM) available to communicate have expanded the definition of literacy beyond “alphabetical communication” and assessment (Kalantzis, & Cope, 2012; Kress, 2003; Kress, & Leeuwen, 2006). Reading and writing as traditional forms of literacy now encompass digital media. These technologies afford opportunities for the design of communication that incorporates the senses of sight, sound, and movement as part of the message. Newly possible modes of communication require of creators the ability to craft and manipulate these multiple modes of media, and require that interpreters formerly thought of as readers, develop the ability to understand these modes of meaning making as contemporary literacy pedagogy. Reconceptualizing both the interpretation of multiple modes of media and learning how to craft interdisciplinary MMM to address the requirements of the Common Core State Standards and college and career readiness is the new frontier in literacy learning in this first digital age.


IGI Global

Reference75 articles.

1. Hooks and Shifts: A Dialectical Study of Mediated Discovery

2. Adobe. (2012). State of create study: Global benchmark study on attitudes and beliefs about creativity at work, school and home. Retrieved from:

3. Integrating Assessment and Instruction: Using Student-Generated Grading Criteria to Evaluate Multimodal Digital Projects

4. Technology and the need for media literacy education in the twenty-first century.;S. V.Aqili;European Journal of Soil Science,2010

5. Barnett, R. (2011,). Complexities of interdisciplinarity: two (or three) into one will go. Complicity: An International Journal of Complexity & Education, 8(2), 59-66. Retrieved from







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