1. University of Hyogo, Japan
The purpose of this chapter was to develop and verify a theoretical model to understand the ways that potential customers perceive and act toward AI-made products. The author began the chapter with a review of the existing literature to extract the most fundamental elements, both internal and external to the customers, which can affect their perceptions and behaviours. From there, the author proposed and tested a theoretical model that can explain customer attitudes toward a new type of music: AI-made music. Using data gathered from a young customer sample (n = 219) in Japan, the author found that perceived product/service attributes and customers' personal characteristics had significant impacts on customer purchase intentions, while perceived seller attributes and environment characteristics had not. These findings helped expand the literature on customer attitudes by introducing and investigating an aggregated model on the one hand. They also provided practical support for the commercialization of the AI-made products industry in the future on the other.