1. University of St. Francis, USA
This chapter is a comprehensive overview of strategy instruction, a key to instruction across subject areas, especially for students with special needs. The chapter will have the following components: “What is Strategy Instruction?” a brief overview of types; “Why Strategy Instruction?” a brief evidence of effectiveness across special education settings, grades, and disabilities; “Effect on Self-Determination and Fostering Independence,” among attribution training and self-efficacy; “How to Implement Strategy Instruction,” examples of vocabulary strategies, reading, writing, and math strategies; “Examples of Strategy Instruction,” across grade levels and content areas; “Steps in Strategy Instruction,” stages on how to begin instruction and build fluency in strategies; “Considerations for Strategy Instruction,” learner readiness, pre-requisite skills, choosing strategies, etc.; and “Resources for Strategy Instruction,” websites and other resources to use for strategy instruction across subject areas.