1. Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India
For investigation of fracture behavior and assessment of remaining life of critical thin-walled tubular components in industry, the transverse mechanical property and the axial fracture properties are essential. However, evaluation of these properties by machining suitable standard specimens from these components directly and subjecting them to standard tests is usually not feasible. In this chapter, the nonlocal version of the Rousselier's damage model has been used to predict the fracture resistance behavior of double-edged-notched-tensile specimens made from Zircaloy-4 material. Initially, the micro-mechanical parameters have been determined from the testing of ring-type specimens. Subsequently, these parameters were used in finite element analysis of the double-edged-notched-tensile specimen in order to predict the crack growth behavior and the crack path under applied displacement-controlled loading conditions. The fracture resistance behavior obtained in terms of J-R curve was also compared with the corresponding J-R curves of axially-cracked pin-loading-tension specimens.