1. Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia
Many companies worldwide underwent merger and acquisition to expand the business. The purpose of the research is to confirm that general country attribute; service quality and the redeployment strategies are variables needed by the company to smooth the process of the merger and acquisition. The data were collected from 150 respondents through offline and online questionnaire. Cronbach's Alpha and Confirmatory Factorial Analysis were utilized to determine reliability and validity of the constructs. Simple and multiple linear regressions are the hypothesis testing chosen for this study. ANOVA and Post-Hoc Duncan are performed to differentiate which of the five redeployment strategies is the best used by the company after done the merger and acquisition. The results conclude that general country attributes and service quality are positively linked to purchase intention. On the other hand, corporate brand redeployment alternatives are shown to have no impact on consumer purchase intention in the case of Tigerair Mandala Airlines.