Furniture is a set of important tools that enable individuals to perform their actions such as eating-drinking, sleeping, sitting-resting, working, etc., comfortably, and easily in people's daily life. The idea of furniture has emerged depending on human needs and through time improved and diversified depending on economic, social-cultural, and technological developments. The production of furniture products, which consist of products that have emerged to meet human needs, can be made with a "product management system" like all other products. This system, which can be called the furniture product management system, refers to a system in which all processes and sub-processes such as production, post-production, use, and post-use are planned and implemented, starting from the idea stage of the furniture. In this context, in the study, “furniture” was considered within the concept of “product” in terms of being a manufacturable object, and the product management system was adapted to furniture to construct furniture production processes within the framework of a well-organized concept. “furniture product management system” was presented as a model and the system was evaluated on the example of a chair.
Mimarlik Bilimleri ve Uygulamalari Dergisi
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