Sartawi AbdelAziz,Natour Yaser,Smadi Jamil
The purpose of this study was to compare the performance of typical female students and students with mental retardation on three approaches of teaching reading comprehension. These teaching approaches were a conventional teaching method, a modified version of reciprocal teaching, and a key word strategy. Two groups of Emirati students were recruited: Group 1 (24 typical female, age range= 7.8-12 years) and Group 2 (12 students with mental handicap, age range= 11-18 years). Detailed procedures were outlined beforehand and implemented by the teachers. Statistical analyses (MANOVA) revealed that there were significant differences in group 1 students’ achievement on the three teaching methods, F(2,46) = 18.37, P< .001.The Tukey (HSD) follow-up procedure revealed that there were significant- differences at the .05 level between students’ performance on method 1 (the conventional teaching method) and their performance on method 2 (the reciprocal teaching method) and method 3 (the key word strategy); however, the Tukey test did not reveal a significant difference between students’ performance on method 2 and their performance on method 3.
University Of Sharjah - Scientific Publishing Unit
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