1. Lviv Polytechnic National University
Introduction. Since globalization leads to increased competition in the international market, it is important to evaluate the adaptation potential of enterprises in the context of entering foreign markets, which affects their performance and determines their readiness to cooperate with global supply chains, which will allow developing adaptation strategies that will ensure successful penetration into new markets. Evaluate of the adaptation potential will help identify these differences and take them into account when developing marketing strategies, production, and communications with customers in foreign markets.
The purpose of the paper is to identify the problems of express evaluation of the adaptation potential of enterprises in the conditions of entering foreign markets and to develop ways to solve them.
Results. The study of issues of express assessment of adaptation potential in conditions of entering foreign markets is extremely important and relevant, since the company must be adapted to new conditions, cultural features and many other factors. During the research, problems that need to be solved were identified, namely: the variability of the list of indicators and criteria for the express assessment of adaptation potential in the conditions of entering foreign markets; non-systematic and fragmented nature of the process of forming an information base for express assessment of adaptation potential in the conditions of entering foreign markets. The results of the conducted research are recommended ways of solving the identified problems, in particular: formation and implementation of a balanced system of express assessment of the adaptation potential of enterprises in terms of entering foreign markets; development and implementation of a mechanism for the formation of an information base for the express evaluation of the adaptation potential of enterprises in the conditions of entering foreign markets.
Conclusion. In modern conditions, successful adaptation is critically important for achieving competitive advantages and stable functioning on the market. On the basis of an express evaluation of the adaptation potential, the readiness of the enterprise for changes in the internal and external environment, the ability to adapt to the transformations of the international market and remain competitive and stable is formed.
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