The Role of Frequency in Learning Morphophonological Alternations: Implications for Children With Specific Language Impairment


Tomas Ekaterina1,Demuth Katherine23,Petocz Peter4


1. Neurolinguistics Laboratory, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia

2. ARC Centre of Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders, Department of Linguistics, Macquarie University, North Ryde, Australia

3. Santa Fe Institute, New Mexico

4. Department of Statistics, Macquarie University, North Ryde, Australia


Purpose The aim of this article was to explore how the type of allomorph (e.g., past tense buzz [ d ] vs. nod [ əd ]) influences the ability to perceive and produce grammatical morphemes in children with typical development and with specific language impairment (SLI). Method The participants were monolingual Australian English–speaking children. The SLI group included 13 participants (mean age = 5;7 [years;months]); the control group included 19 children with typical development (mean age = 5;4). Both groups performed a grammaticality judgment and elicited production task with the same set of nonce verbs in third-person singular and past tense forms. Results Five-year-old children are still learning to generalize morphophonological patterns to novel verbs, and syllabic /əz/ and /əd/ allomorphs are significantly more challenging to produce, particularly for the SLI group. The greater phonetic content of these syllabic forms did not enhance perception. Conclusions Acquisition of morphophonological patterns involving low-frequency allomorphs is still underway in 5-year-old children with typical development, and it is even more protracted in SLI populations, despite these patterns being highly predictable. Children with SLI will therefore benefit from targeted intervention with low-frequency allomorphs.


American Speech Language Hearing Association


Speech and Hearing,Linguistics and Language,Language and Linguistics

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