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3. Coordination Center. (2013). Otchet Direktora ANO “Koordinatsionnyi tsentr national’nogo domena seti Internet” A.V. Kolesnikova [Report by the Director of ANO “Coordination Center of the national domain of the internet” A.V. Kolesnikov]. https://cctld.ru/upload/files/dir_year_report_2012.pdf
4. Coordination Center. (2015). Otchet Direktora ANO “Koordinatsionnyi tsentr national’nogo domena seti Internet” A.A. Vorob’eva [Report by the Director of ANO “Coordination Center of the national domain of the internet” A.A. Vorob’ev]. https://cctld.ru/upload/files/dir_year_report_2014.pdf
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