1. Saint-Petersburg university of State fire service of EMERCOM of Russia
The authors describe the results of the 15th BRICS summit on August 22–24, 2023 in Johannesburg (South Africa). The article shows the prospects for the expansion of BRICS according to the «BRICS+» formula. From January 1, 2024, Egypt, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia joined BRICS. The expansion of BRICS is shown as a geopolitical triumph for Russia.
The article analyzes the final declaration «Johannesburg-2», which was adopted following the BRICS summit on August 22–24, 2023 and enshrines the use of the national currency in trade and the collective solution of problems related to international debt.
The authors reviewed the opinions of top officials of the BRICS countries, new members, states wishing to join BRICS (the Republic of Belarus, Bolivia, Algeria, Venezuela), as well as the media on the expansion of BRICS, the principles of admitting new countries, the formation of a multipolar world, and the conduct of a special military operations in Ukraine, strengthening political cooperation between the BRICS countries, introducing a new unit of account (single currency).
St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia
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