Linear Regression Analysis on the Hotel Accommodation Capacity in Surigao del Norte, Philippines


Jonathan C. Macabodbod 1


1. College of Arts and Sciences, Surigao del Norte State University, Surigao City, Philippines


This research explores the dynamics of hotel accommodation capacity in Surigao del Norte, Philippines, using data extracted from the "Regional Social and Economic Trends 2020" report by the Philippine Statistical Authority. Through Linear Regression Analysis, the study investigates the relationship between the number of hotels and years, and the number of hotel rooms and years, from 2009 to 2021. The analysis reveals a significant positive correlation between time and both hotel count and room capacity. The coefficients for the "Hotels" and "Rooms" models suggest an average annual increase of approximately 41.647 hotels and 270.684 rooms, respectively. The robust R-squared values of 0.653 and 0.612 highlight the substantial proportion of variability explained by the linear relationship. The hospitality sector in SurigaodelNorte has experienced remarkable growth in hotel accommodation capacity over the studied period. The findings underscore the province's emergence as a burgeoning tourist destination, evident from the consistent upward trajectory in both the number of hotels and rooms. This growth is not only indicative of economic prosperity but also calls for sustainable development strategies to balance tourism expansion and environmental preservation. The research emphasizes the pivotal role of data-driven analysis in understanding and shaping the trajectory of the tourism industry in the region


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