Cardiovascular Effects of Neurofeedback Course in Various Sports Adaptation Strategies: an Open Controlled Study


Lunina Natalya V.12ORCID,Koryagina Yulia V.2ORCID,Efimenko Nataliya V.2ORCID,Ter-Akopov Gukas N.2ORCID,Nopin Sergey V.2ORCID,Akhkubekova Nelly K.2ORCID,Ukhanova Olga P.2ORCID


1. Russian University of Sports “GTSOLIFK” (RUS “GTSOLIFK”)

2. North Caucasian Federal Research-Clinical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency


INTRODUCTION. Neurofeedback is effectively applied in clinical practice. Cardiovascular effects (CVEs) from different sports adaptation strategies in course-based β-rhythm neurofeedback are under-studied. AIM. To evaluate the CVEs of the neurofeedback course under different sports adaptation strategies. MATERIALS AND METHODS. The study included 1020 men (18–21 years) during the preparatory training period. Following groups were formed: 1 — cyclic sports (n = 387); 2 — speed-strength sports (n = 255); 3 — single combat (n = 31); 4 — team sports (n = 173); 5 — complex coordination sports (n = 174). The CVEs were assessed with the BOSLAB complex (Russia), with eyes open and muscles relaxed. EEG electrodes were applied bipolarly (Cz-Fz). Session types: graphic (10 minutes), game (16 minutes), where the β-rhythm level was increased and maintained. Indices of systemic pressure, cardiac activity; peripheral vessels, functional changes of the cardiovascular system (CVS) were also examined. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. Along with improved attention, the 10th session revealed positive CVEs in the 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th groups with CVS economization. 1st group: CVEs are a desirable response option. 2nd group: ambiguous heterochronic CVEs, with improved systemic pressure and reduced cardiac activity, indices of peripheral vessels, cardiovascular regulation index. These effects, mainly in strength sports, are caused by the long-term sports adaptation strategy, associated with hypoxia and incomplete recovery of the spent resources, causing incomplete adaptation. It is associated with mastering the β-rhythm control skill, different in the nature from the activities with the formed adaptation strategy in the long-term training process. 3rd group (10th session): changes in the brain structure (BS) function formed CVEs involving mechanisms maintaining systemic pressure, regarded as optimal. 4th and 5th groups: optimized BS and CVEs activities. CONCLUSION. The positive CVEs demonstrated expediency of the β-rhythm neurofeedback course. Ambiguous CVEs in groups of speed-strength sports are studied for neurofeedback technology modification.


National Medical Research Center For Rehabilitation And Balneology

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