1. CJSC «EKOlab»
2. CJSC «EKOlab»; «First Moscow State Medical University after I.M. Sechenov» of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation (1st MSMU after I.M. Sechenov); State educational institution of higher education of the Moscow region «State Humanitarian University of Technology» (GGTU)
3. CJSC «EKOlab»; State budgetary healthcare institution оf Moscow region «Liuberetskiy kozhno-venerologicheskiy dispanser»
4. CJSC «EKOlab»; State educational institution of higher education of the Moscow region «State Humanitarian University of Technology» (GGTU)
5. State educational institution of higher education of the Moscow region «State Humanitarian University of Technology» (GGTU)