1. Rhonda B. Jeffries and Gretchen Zita Givens, “Black Women as Qualitative Researchers: Performing Acts of Understanding and Survival. An Introduction,” in Black Women in the Field: Experiences Understanding Ourselves and Others through Qualitative Research (Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2003), 3.
2. Jeffries and Givens, “Black Women as Qualitative Researchers,” 3.
3. Cory Allen Heidelberger and Tobias W. Uecker, “Scholarly Personal Narrative as Information Systems Research Methodology,” MWAIS 2009 Proceedings 22 (2009): https://aisel.aisnet.org/mwais2009/22.
4. Heidelberger and Uecker, “Scholarly Personal Narrative as Information Systems Research Methodology.”
5. Robert J. Nash and DeMethra LaSha Bradley, Me-search and Re-search: A Guide for Writing Scholarly Personal Narrative Manuscripts (Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, 2011), 24.