1. 1 Dominick LaCapra, Rethinking Intellectual History (Ithaca, 1983); Is Everyone a Mentalite Case? Transference and the Culture Concept, in History and Criticism (Ithaca, 1985), 7174; Intellectual History and Critical Theory, in Soundings in Critical Theory (Ithaca, 1989), 182209; and Representing the Holocaust: History, Theory, Trauma (Ithaca, 1994), 117. Similar transferential models of the relationship between the historian and history can be found in Hayden Whites The Historical Text as Literary Artifact (1974), in Tropics of Discourse: Essays in Cultural Criticism (Baltimore, 1985), 8687; Robert D. Newmans Exiling History: Hysterical Transgression in Historical Narrative, in New Historical Literary Study, ed. Jeffrey N. Cox and Larry J. Reynolds (Princeton, 1993), 292315; and Michel de Certeaus The Writing of History (1975), trans. Tom Conley (New York, 1988), 1113.
2. 2 Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse (London, 1927), chap. 19; and E. M. Forster, Aspects of the Novel (London, 1927), 4656. Prominent nineteenth-century critics who place The Antiquary among the best of the Waverley series include Francis Jeffrey, John Wilson Croker, J. G. Lockhart, Leslie Stephen, Robert Louis Stevenson, John Watson, and G. M. Trevelyan; James T. Hillhouse, The Waverley Novels and Their Critics (Minneapolis, 1936), 45, 48, 163, 269; Leslie Stephen, Hours in a Library (New York, 1875), 199; John Watson, Books and Bookmen and Other Essays (1912; reprint, Freeport, N.Y., 1971), 169; and G. M. Trevelyan, Untitled 1937 Lecture to the Sir Walter Scott Society, in Sir Walter Scott, 17711832: An Edinburgh Keepsake, ed. Allan Frazer (Edinburgh, 1971), 33.
3. 3 F. R. Leavis, The Great Tradition (London, 1948), 14 n. On Scotts reflection of the climate of historical thought in his age, see Sir Herbert Butterfield, The Whig Interpretation of History (London, 1931); Georg Lukacs, The Historical Novel (1937), trans. Hannah Mitchell and Stanley Mitchell (Lincoln, Nebr., 1983), chap. 1;
4. Duncan Forbes, The Rationalism of Sir Walter Scott, Cambridge Journal 7 (1953): 2035;
5. Alexander Welsh, The Hero of the Waverley Novels, rev. ed. (Princeton, 1992);