Challenges and Opportunities of Predicting Musical Emotions with Perceptual and Automatized Features


Lange Elke B.1,Frieler Klaus2


1. Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt, Germany

2. University of Music Franz Liszt, Weimar, Germany


Music information retrieval (MIR) is a fast-growing research area. One of its aims is to extract musical characteristics from audio. In this study, we assumed the roles of researchers without further technical MIR experience and set out to test in an exploratory way its opportunities and challenges in the specific context of musical emotion perception. Twenty sound engineers rated 60 musical excerpts from a broad range of styles with respect to 22 spectral, musical, and cross-modal features (perceptual features) and perceived emotional expression. In addition, we extracted 86 features (acoustic features) of the excerpts with the MIRtoolbox (Lartillot & Toiviainen, 2007). First, we evaluated the perceptual and extracted acoustic features. Both perceptual and acoustic features posed statistical challenges (e.g., perceptual features were often bimodally distributed, and acoustic features highly correlated). Second, we tested the suitability of the acoustic features for modeling perceived emotional content. Four nearly disjunctive feature sets provided similar results, implying a certain arbitrariness of feature selection. We compared the predictive power of perceptual and acoustic features using linear mixed effects models, but the results were inconclusive. We discuss critical points and make suggestions to further evaluate MIR tools for modeling music perception and processing.


University of California Press



Reference78 articles.

1. We will use the term tempo when beats per time unit are measured and speed for the perceptive evaluation of this tempo throughout the paper to take into account the distinction between the terms (e.g., see Elowsson & Friberg, 2015).

2. We did not calculate Cronbach's as with stimuli as items, which seems to be done in several previous studies, and which would have given much higher values (>.9) due to the large number of items (N = 60). We think that such a procedure would violate the basic assumptions underlying Cronbach's α derivation, i.e., items are measuring the same construct. This can also be seen by the fact that for N = 60 items, mean correlations of small as r = .14 result in Cronbach's α larger than .90.

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