Mask and Infill: Applying Masked Language Model for Sentiment Transfer


Wu Xing12,Zhang Tao12,Zang Liangjun1,Han Jizhong1,Hu Songlin1


1. Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China


This paper focuses on the task of sentiment transfer on non-parallel text, which modifies sentiment attributes (e.g., positive or negative) of sentences while preserving their attribute-independent contents. Existing methods adopt RNN encoder-decoder structure to generate a new sentence of a target sentiment word by word, which is trained on a particular dataset from scratch and have limited ability to produce satisfactory sentences. When people convert the sentiment attribute of a given sentence, a simple but effective approach is to only replace the sentiment tokens of the sentence with other expressions indicative of the target sentiment, instead of building a new sentence from scratch. Such a process is very similar to the task of Text Infilling or Cloze. With this intuition, we propose a two steps approach: Mask and Infill. In the \emph{mask} step, we identify and mask the sentiment tokens of a given sentence. In the \emph{infill} step, we utilize a pre-trained Masked Language Model (MLM) to infill the masked positions by predicting words or phrases conditioned on the context\footnote{In this paper, \emph{content} and \emph{context} are equivalent, \emph{style}, \emph{attribute} and \emph{label} are equivalent.}and target sentiment. We evaluate our model on two review datasets \emph{Yelp} and \emph{Amazon} by quantitative, qualitative, and human evaluations. Experimental results demonstrate that our model achieve state-of-the-art performance on both accuracy and BLEU scores.


International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization

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