1. Zakład Chemii Nieorganicznej i Analitycznej, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku
The action of many exogenous factors as well as disturbed metabolic processes of cells contribute
to the increased production of oxidants, which leads to redox imbalance and, as
a consequence, metabolic changes, including death or tumor transformation of cells. However,
each cell is equipped with antioxidants to prevent this type of situation.One of the antioxidant
systems functioning in cells is the thioredoxin dependent system, which includes
thioredoxin (Trx), thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) and thioredoxin peroxidase (TPx), which
have the ability to reduce oxidized forms of cell components at the expense of nicotinamidoadenine
dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH). This effect results from the spatial structure of
Trx and TrxR, which allows the formation of an intramolecular disulfide bridge within the
thioredoxin molecule and two intermolecular selenesulfide bridges within the thioredoxin reductase dimer. Another, equally important function of the thioredoxin-dependent system
is to regulate the expression of many proteins through factors such as NFκB transcription
factor and apoptosis regulating kinase (ASK-1), which trigger cascades of metabolic transformations
ultimately leading to cell proliferation or apoptosis. The increase in expression
/activity of Trx-dependent system components is observed in the development of many cancers.
Therefore, the search for selective thioredoxin or thioredoxin reductase inhibitors is
currently one of the main research directions in cancer pharmacotherapy. It has been shown
that many naturally occurring polyphenolic compounds of natural origin with antioxidant
activity (e.g. quercetin or curcumin) inactivate the Trx-dependent system. At the same time,
a number of synthetic compounds, including complex compounds, that are used in cancer
therapy (e.g. cisplatin, auranofin, gadolinium motexafin) also inhibit the action of the thioredoxin
Infectious Diseases,Microbiology (medical)
Reference93 articles.
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