Architectural transformations in distributed telecommunications service systems and problems of ensuring information security


Strykhalyuk Bohdan1ORCID,Hots Natalija1ORCID,Szelmanowski Andrzej2ORCID,Kowalczyk Grzegorz2ORCID,Pazur Andrzej2ORCID,Deliś Maciej2ORCID


1. Lviv Polytechnic National University

2. Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych


The article discusses the architectural transformations of distributed tele-communications service systems and methods of optimizing their reliability and efficiency. Modern distributed service-oriented networks are presented as complex heterogeneous systems, most of which are currently based on so-called cloud technologies. Cloud service systems were analyzed as an alternative to business customers purchasing their own powerful computing systems, software, and storage technologies. The principle of sharing these resources based on their virtualization was proposed. The main problems and ways of ensuring safety of information in these systems are provided.


Index Copernicus


Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality

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