The Meaning of Quality in Health Services


Ouzounakis P.1,Sialakis Ch.2,Iliadis Ch.3,Kleisiaris Ch.4,Adamakidou Th.5,Kourkouta L.6


1. General Hospital of Alexandroupoli, Greece

2. General Hospital “Agios Dimitrios-G Gennimatas” ThesSaloniki, Greece

3. Private Diagnostic Health Center of Thessaloniki, Greece

4. Home-based Nursing Care, Nursing Department - Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece

5. Nursing Department, University of Western Attica, Athens, Greece

6. Department of Nursing, Hellenic International University “DIPAE’’, Thessaloniki, Greece.


Introduction: In the modern era, businesses andorganizations try to survive in a highly competitiveenvironment to attract as many consumers aspossible.Purpose: This review study aims to investigate themeaning of quality in health services with theintention of health promotion.Materials and Methods: The methodologyfollowed was based on the literature search ofreview and research studies, in internationaldatabases such as Medline, Pubmed, Cinahl, andthe Greek database Iatrotek. The exclusion criterionof the articles was the language other than Englishand Greek.Results: Health is a complex concept and thereforethe definition of quality in health is difficult todefine with absolute clarity. The only certain thingis that quality in health is an important factor –target, both for scientists, organizations, andworkers in the field of health, as well as for thefinal receivers of the services, the patients - users.Conclusions: Quality in health services isundoubtedly a first-priority need, which isbecoming more and more demanding.


Index Copernicus


General Medicine

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