The aim of this study is to analyze the differences related to students’ motivation between two moments, respectively before and after participation in a program of teaching on the basis of UDL principles. The participants were 72 students with SEN enrolled in mainstream schools in Brașov county, aged between seven and 10 years, M = 8.26, SD = 1.04. The instrument used for measuring motivation was The Dimensions of Mastery Questionnaire (DMQ). A number of 37 teachers aged between 25 and 54 years, M = 37.89, SD = 7.56, were involved in the study, of which four men (11%) and 33 women (89%). They participated in the UDL PPS Course (48 training hours). After the course, they started to teach SEN children using UDL principles for six weeks. Students’ motivation was measured twice, before and after the six weeks of UDL teaching. The results showed a significant increase in cognitive persistence, gross motor persistence, social persistence in relation to adults, social persistence in relation to other children, pleasure in doing things well, general competence, and a significant decrease in negative reactions. The discussions emphasize the importance of training teachers in the UDL model.
University of Bucharest, Department of Special Psychopedagogy
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