Shaymardanov B,Borotov A,Jumatov Y
The Republic of Uzbekistan is one of the leading regions for the production of gourds - especially the most valuable varieties of melons. The nutritional value is primarily due to the high sugar content, and the taste value is due to the sucrose content. Summer grades with a sugar content of 12 … 19% are considered the most sugary. The sucrose content is 60 … 80%, but these varieties for long-distance transportation are practically unsuitable, so they are used in growing areas. It has been established that in non-waste processing from 1 ton of melon fruit it is possible to obtain: melon jam - 155…165 kg or concentrated melon juice (“honey”) – 65 … 70 kg or dried (dried) melon – 70…75 kg; vegetable oil from seeds – 2.5…3 kg; protein flour from the peel – 20…23 kg. The article presents the results of a study of the physicomechanical properties of melon fruits as an object of technical processing of peel, pulp, and seeds. To conduct studies of the physicomechanical properties of melon fruits, a methodology for experimental research has been developed.
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13 articles.