Khudaynazarov D,Karshiev F,Khudoykulov N,Rayimkulov O,Murodov B,Sangirov A,Turdibekov A
The article provides information on the ongoing research on the development of feed preparation and distribution equipment for livestock farms. As a result of scientific analysis, 85% of the livestock and poultry available in livestock farming belong to livestock farms with a small number of livestock, private and family farms. One of the urgent tasks is to create feed preparation and distribution facilities in these small livestock farms. Based on the above, scientific work was carried out to develop a feed distribution device for small livestock farms intended for feeding 20-30 head of cattle. The primary indicators of the feed distribution device’s technical qualities were established, and its technological scheme was developed, based on the results of the research that was done and the needs of the farms. The impact of feed spreader discharge window width and height on feed distribution quality was studied in preliminary research.