Tomshinskaya I N,Ivanova N V,Vinogradova E B
This paper touches upon the scientific and educational subsystem, since the formation and development of this particular subsystem are demanded by the conditions of post-industrial transformations, the process of increased spatial competition. This need applied to the economy of a megalopolis is reinforced by a contradictory combination of relatively high investment attractiveness, the presence of several modern growth points, on the one hand, and the “obsolescence” of competencies that the human factor has, on the other hand. Significant problems in the development of the scientific and educational subsystem of St. Petersburg are considered in the paper. The individual components of the desired subsystem with the identification of strengths and weaknesses are analyzed. An approach to the analysis of the development factors of a promising subsystem of a scientific and educational profile is proposed: representing the integral result of this subsystem in the space-time continuum of the regional economy as a production function. The authors see the direction of further research in the allocation of groups of factors-arguments of the production function.