Tian V K,Gulina S A,Sheludko L P,Biryuk V V,Goryunova I Y
A new type of maneuverable combined-cycle plant with a steam-turbine drive of a low-pressure compressor is considered. The analysis of its technological processes in the generation of electric and thermal energy in heating and non-heating periods of the year is carried out. It is shown that in heating conditions, the burning of additional fuel in the afterburner between the stages of the evaporator of the utilizer boiler provides an increase in its steam production, maneuverability, thermal and electric power of the CCGT-CHP plant. The influence of the chemical composition and thermophysical properties of natural gas on obtaining the required excess air in the combustion chamber of a combined cycle gas turbine is considered. A mathematical model of technological processes is developed. The influence of deep utilization of the heat of the flue gases of the utilizer boiler on increasing the efficiency and improving the environmental characteristics of the gas-steam plant of a thermal power plant was recorded.
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