Verbraeken L,Andreotti E,Frans R,Bondani M,Folkers B,Jurčić L,Malgieri M,Pallotta F,Pol H
For many years quantum physics has been introduced in European secondary schools. However, quantum physics, and even more quantum technology, is not sufficiently part of present physics teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK). For this reason, the QTEdu pilot project ‘Quantum Technology PCK for teachers’ put together the expertise of several educational researchers in order to i) pre-research the Pedagogical Content Knowledge teachers need to teach Quantum Mechanics (QM) and Quantum Technology (QT) and ii) develop a PCK Map of practical use for teachers and teacher educators. The consortium performed pilots at the local level of existing teaching resources. The partners applied qualitative research methods such as interviews and observations in order to collect illustrations for the activities included in the developed PCK map.