Handayani L,Haryono S,Suseno ,Nugrahani R,Nugroho S E,Rohidi T R,Wiyanto
The similarity in characteristics between students’ life experiences and some of the science concepts supports the need to use analogies in learning science in elementary schools. This paper discusses the research results aimed at exploring the analogical thinking skills of students based on culture, especially in the Pesisir area. The discussion’s main focus lies in the format of the presentation given by students when presenting the analog of the concepts of electric current and plant motion. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and literature study from various selected school sources in the Pesisir cultural area: the Tegal Regency. Derived conclusion based on data analysis and discussion stated that students’ dominant presentation format to explain the scientific concepts given in this study analogically is the verbal-pictorial format.
General Physics and Astronomy