Alandia Rahma Ghalda,Jumadi ,Wilujeng Insih,Kuswanto Heru
The purpose of this research is to determine differences in critical thinking skills outcomes between groups with students who take physics learning with web-assisted problem based learning model with students who take physics learning using learning commonly used by teachers to student of XI class. This research was a quasi-experimental (quasi experiment) with the draft “post-test only control group design”. The population in this study is a XI class of even semester in SMA Negeri 2 Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The sample selection is based on the adjustment of the material that is used. The data were taken using the test methods and instruments used for assessment is 8 essay questions with 8 indicators of critical thinking skills tests. Based on the results of hypothesis testing that has been done by t-test sample independent found that there are differences in critical thinking skills outcomes significantly among students who take physics learning with web-assisted problem based learning model. Furthermore, there are effects web-assisted problem based learning model in students’ critical thinking skills. This is evident from the high effect size of Cohen’s test is included in the high category. Based on this it can be concluded that physics learning with web-assisted problem based learning model influence on high school students critical thinking skills outcomes.
General Physics and Astronomy
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3 articles.