Tumatul Ainin Dewi,Amaliyah Yuli,Rifa’i Moh.,Suhartatik ,Laila Nur,Fitriani Ana
This study aims to analyze the use of Information Technology in early language development in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri Model, Jambi and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Az-Zainiyah II Karanganyar Paiton Probolinggo, East Java. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study. The results showed that: efforts to overcome student learning difficulties in both madrasah were carried out through several media namely: PowerPoint media, audio in the form of CDs or cassettes and headphones, visual in the form of graphic media containing images, posters, caricatures and audiovisual form of television. Furthermore, the use of instructional media related to information technology, has the use and function of each, adjusting the material being studied or taught to students.
General Physics and Astronomy