Tkachuk A,Bezvesilna O,Dobrzhansky O,Ostapchuk A
The paper describes the gravity acceleration sensor (GAS) design, the technical characteristics of which provide an increase in the static transfer constant of the GAS, the ability to determine the current static transfer constant of the GAS, reducing the level of noise effects in the output signal of GAS. The acceleration vector components from the side of a moving vehicle add a noise to the gravity vector components. These investigations give an answer how to obtain of GAS’s desired metrological features by the developing of new GAS based on pendulous integrating gyroscopic accelerometer. The presented material can be seen as an example of how to explore a gyro system mechanics and how to develop new gyro systems structure. The presented methods and the sequences of expressions can be used in master’s and bachelor’s disciplines in the field of applied mechanics, instrument development and automatic control.
General Physics and Astronomy
Cited by
7 articles.