Gravitational wave pulse and memory effects for hairy Kiselev black hole and its analogy with Bondi–Sachs formalism


Hadi HORCID,Rezaei Akbarieh Amin,Mota David F


Abstract The investigation of non-vacuum cosmological backgrounds containing black holes is greatly enhanced by the Kiselev solution. This solution plays a crucial role in understanding the properties of the background and its relationship with the features of the black hole. Consequently, the gravitational memory effects at large distances from the black hole offer a valuable means of obtaining information about the surrounding field parameter N and parameters related to the hair of the hairy Kiselev Black hole. This paper investigates the gravitational memory effects in the context of the Kiselev solution through two distinct approaches. At first, the gravitational memory effect at null infinity is explored by utilizing the Bondi–Sachs formalism by introducing a gravitational wave (GW) pulse to the solution. The resulting Bondi mass is then analyzed to gain further insight. Therefore, the Kiselev solution is being examined to determine the variations in Bondi mass caused by the pulse of GWs. The study of changes in Bondi mass is motivated by the fact that it is dynamic and time-dependent, and it measures mass on an asymptotically null slice or the densities of energy on celestial spheres. In the second approach, the investigation of displacement and velocity memory effects is undertaken in relation to the deviation of two neighboring geodesics and the deviation of their derivative influenced by surrounding field parameter N and the hair of hairy Kiselev black hole. This analysis is conducted within the context of a GW pulse present in the background of a hairy Kiselev black hole surrounded by a field parameter N.


IOP Publishing







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