Liu 刘 Yadong 亚东,Jia 贾 Congcong 聪聪,Ma 马 Mingxuan 茗萱,Gao 高 Xiang 翔,Liu 刘 Ling 玲,Wu 吴 Yong 勇,Chen 陈 Xiangjun 向军,Wang 王 Jianguo 建国
The semiclassical non-perturbative atomic orbital close-coupling approach has been employed to study the electron capture and excitation processes in He2+–H(1s) and He2+–H(2s) collision systems. In order to ensure the accuracy of our calculated cross sections, a large number of high excited states and pseudostates are included in the expansion basis sets which are centered on the target and projectile, respectively. The total and partial charge transfer and excitation cross sections are obtained for a wide-energy domain ranging from 1 keV/amu to 200 keV/amu. The present calculations are also compared with the results from other theoretical methods. These cross section data are useful for the investigation of astrophysics and laboratory plasma.