Spokes are regions of enhanced ionization in magnetron sputtering discharges that are interesting because of their role for magnetron operation and their potential effect on deposition processes. Here, we show that spokes can intentionally be generated by introducing a strong-to-weak magnetic field strength transition along the racetrack. Spokes are triggered at the transition point from an accelerating electron drift when weakening the magnetic field strength. The spokes are then propagating against the electron drift into the strong magnetic field strength section of the racetrack. At the weak-to-strong magnetic field transition, we observe the inverse effect. The electron drift is decelerated at this point, creating a region of enhanced optical emission. From rectangular racetracks this is known as the cross-corner effect. Here, we show that a corner is not necessary for observing that effect. Pronounced spokes at low working gas pressure of 0.2 Pa exhibit a substructure that could be caused by the diocotron instability previously predicted by computer simulations.
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Innosuisse - Schweizerische Agentur für Innovationsförderung