Boitsova T M,Zhuravleva S V,Prokopets Zh G,Krugovaya P N,Lyakh V A
Dietary fibers are components of vegetable and animal raw materials, from which until recently were released in the process of obtaining purified, refined food. The most accessible and frequently used dietary fibers are formed in the process of processing wheat into flour of higher grades. In the production process there is a different degree of grinding, which according to some authors can have a significant impact on their biological value. The purpose of the research is to determine these effects on the model protein systems and to justify the possibility of regulating the technological properties and safety of protein systems by dietary fibers. The quality of the materials used wheat bran, obtained during the processing of wheat. Model protein systems were prepared from crushed muscle tissue of freshly caught Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) and Pollock (Theragra alcoggramma). Embraced are characterized by different technical characteristics. As a result, it was found that wheat bran makes it.