Maulana G D,Risjani Y,Taqiyyah A M
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of NPK and liquid organic (POC) fertilizers on the growth, biomass, and phycocyanin of Spirulina platensis culture in a laboratory scale. The NPK fertilizer was carried out by giving 3 doses of 0.1 g/L, 0.2g/L, and 0.3 g/L and control. The POC Fertilizer was used in 3 doses of treatment of 10 mL/L, 15 mL/L, and 20 mL/L and control. The parameters observed for 8 days included growth rate, biomass, phycocyanin, and water quality parameters. The result showed the NPK fertilizer resulted in 80%, 70%, and 65% higher growth rates, biomass, and phycocyanin, respectively, than POC fertilizer. The application of NPK at a dose of 0.3 g/L gave the best treatment which resulted in a growth rate of 0.568 cells/day, biomass of 1.395 g/L and a phycocyanin content of 0.148 mg/L. The best treatment using POC was at a concentration of 20 mL/L which resulted in a growth rate of 0.459 cells/day, a biomass of 0.979 g/L, and a phycocyanin content of 0.097 mg/L. The culture with POC obtained a lower result than the NPK because the organic fertilizer requires a longer decomposition process to be utilized by Spirulina platensis.
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