Frolova N A,Reznichenko I Yu,Shkrabtak (Babii) N V,Balandin A V
The development of the production of functional products based on plant materials is the most important scientific direction, based on modern physiological ideas about adaptation, homeostasis, the provisions of biological cybernetics and the theory of functional nutrition. From the point of view of the biochemistry of nutrition, the human body needs, in addition to vitamins and minerals, an extensive set of other compounds that have a diverse physiological effect on it. The main part of toxins during environmental pollution passes from the blood into the extracellular and then the intracellular space of human organs and tissues. If the changes they cause are not yet irreversible, in this case some medicinal plants with endoecological effects can help. The article presents an analysis of the chemical composition of plant raw materials of the Far Eastern region. The assessment of quality characteristics, chemical composition and safety indicators of certain types of plant materials is given. According to the results of research, it was established that freshly harvested wild fruit and berry raw materials have a high moisture content (79–84%). In wild berries, the content of pectic substances was in the range of 0.66 - 1.72%. the highest amount of vitamin C is found in actinidia colomicta 112.3 mg / 100 g, Chinese magnolia vine 136.3 mg / 100 g and rosehip 166.3 mg / 100 g, the lowest amount of ash is 44.9 mg / 100 g Analyzed medicinal and technical raw materials are also quite rich in biologically active substances. All investigated types of raw materials can be used in the production of functional products.
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