Sompie M,Siswosubroto S E
This study was aimed to determine the effect of different concentrations of gelatin on the chemical characteristics of chicken meat sausage. This research materials were used chicken legskin gelatin, chicken meat and sausage ingedrients. This study used Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The treatment factor is concentration of chicken legskin gelatin is added to sausage mixture (R0 = 0%, R1 = 10%, R2 = 20%, R3 = 30% and R4 = 40%) with four replications. Organoleptic test used 35 trained panelists. The results showed that the different concentration of chicken leg gelatin had significant effect (P<0.05) on pH value, water content, collagen, protein and fat content of chicken meat sausage, but the elasticity had no effect. Organoleptic test with a hedonic scale indicated that the addition of gelatin concentration had an effect on the panelists acceptability that was color, taste and aroma and tenderness of chicken meat sausage. It was concluded that the chicken meat sausage with adding 20% chicken legskin gelatin had the best chemical characteristics and it can be accepted by panelists.