Surdianto Y,Sutrisna N,Kurnia B S,Argo Y
The innovation technology studied was water-efficient rice cultivation based on specific organic rainfed rice fields (Patbo Super). The research was conducted in Keboncau Village, West Java Province. The research was conducted on a 14 hectares of rainfed rice field during the Dry Season from July to December 2018. The objectives of the study were: to analyze the performance of the “Patbo Super” and to analyze the level of farmers perceptions of the “Patbo Super”. Data were collected through observation, direct measurements and interviews. Data analysis was carried out descriptively. The results reported that the “Patbo Super” technology could increase the Rainfed Rice Cropping Index from 200 to 300; Technically, the performance of rainfed lowland rice cultivation Patbo Super is relatively good with an average rice yield of 7.29 t/ha. Patbo Super is economically profitable and if seen from the value of its farming efficiency it is feasible to be developed with an RC ratio of> 1; and The majority of farmers gave a positive respond to the “Patbo Super”, technology package because it provides benefits, did not interfere with the culture of local farmers, was in accordance with land conditions and farmers’ socio-economic capacities and was easy to implement.
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