1. Brockman, J.R. (1992), “Just another management fad? The implications of TQM for library and information services”, ASLIB Proceedings, Vol. 44 Nos 7/8, pp. 283‐8.
2. Camp, R.C. (1989), Benchmarking: The Search for Industry Best Practices that Lead to Superior Performance, American Society for Quality Control Press, Milwaukee, WI.
3. Cheetham, D.L. (1993), “The potential of benchmarking for higher education libraries”, Paper given at the Training Together 3 meeting held at Manchester Metropolitan University, 22 April 1993, COPOL Newsletter, Vol. 62, pp. 67‐73.
4. Codling, S. (1998), Benchmarking, Gower, Aldershot.
5. Ernst & Young and the American Quality Foundation (1993), Best Practices Report: An Analysis of Management Practices that Impact Performance, Ernst & Young, New York, NY.