1. 8.A complete discussion of how delivery terms can be used to provide physical distribution service and reduce costs is found in Gill, L.E. “Delivery terms ‐ important element of physical distribution”,Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 1 No. 2, 1979, pp. 60‐82.
2. 16.Alderson, W. “Marketing efficiency and the principle of postponement”,Cost and Profit Outlook, Vol. III No. 4, September 1950.
3. 20.“Toyota dealers linked by computer”,Automotive News, 18 June 1979, p. 32.
4. 21.McCaughey, W.C. “UltraPhase order entry terminals improve warehouse productivity”,Warehousing and Physical Distribution Productivity Report, Vol. 14 No. 10, 15 October 1979.