Questions in knowledge management: defining and conceptualising a phenomenon


uit Beijerse Roelof P.


This article examines and defines the main concepts in knowledge management. Since our economy has evolved over the last couple of years into a knowledge‐based economy, knowledge has become one of the main assets of companies. Knowledge can be defined as: information; the capability to interpret data and information through a process of giving meaning to these data and information; and an attitude aimed at wanting to do so. In making these factors productive knowledge management can be defined as achieving organisational goals through the strategy‐driven motivation and facilitation of (knowledge) workers to develop, enhance and use their capability to interpret data and information (by using available sources of information, experience, skills, culture, character, etc.) through a process of giving meaning to these data and information. Consultants and managers should ask themselves strategic, organisational and instrumental questions regarding knowledge management to stay competitive in a highly dynamic and changing world.




Management of Technology and Innovation,Strategy and Management

Reference38 articles.

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5. Beijerse, R.P. uit (1996), Macht is Kennis. Over Sociologie, Wetenschap en Samenleving, doctoraalscriptie Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.







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