1. 2. Garvin, D.A. “What Does ‘Product Quality’ Really Mean?”,Sloan Management Review, Vol. 26, No. 1, Autumn 1984, pp. 25‐43.
2. 3. Kaplan, R.S. “Measuring Manufacturing Performance: A New Challenge for Managerial Accounting Research”,The Accounting Review, Vol. 18 No. 4, October 1983, pp. 686‐705.
3. Product Quality, Cost Position and Business Performance: A Test of Some Key Hypotheses
4. 5. Wagner, H.M. “Profit Wonders, Investment Blunders”,Harvard Business Review, September‐October 1984, pp. 121‐35.
5. 6. Wheelwright, S.C. and Hayes, R.H. “Competing through Manufacturing”,Harvard Business Review, January‐February 1985, pp. 99‐109.