1. Engineering Council (1997), Standards and Routes to Registration (SARTOR), 3rd ed., available at: www.engc.org.uk/sartor/
2. EPC (2000), The Engineering Professors’ Conference Engineering Graduate Output Standard, Interim Report of the EPC Output Standards Project, EPC Occasional Paper No. 10, December, available at: www.engprofc.ac.uk/epc.html
3. Strategies for Teaching Mixed-Attainment Groups in Engineering Education
4. IEE (1997), Institute of Electrical Engineers Guidelines on the Application of SARTOR, 3rd ed., available at: www.iee.org/Membship/Join/SARTOR/sartorg.cfm
5. IMechE (2001), Institute of Mechanical Engineers Academic Requirements, available at: www.imeche.org.uk/imeche_new_010801/html/become_member/academic_requirements.htm