An analysis of current human resource management publications


Hoobler Jenny M.,Brown Johnson Nancy


Human resource articles published in the top human resource management (HRM) journals from 1994 through 2001 are analyzed by topic, research technique, level of analysis, and data source. The results are aggregated and summarized to address the current state of affairs in human resource management research. Moreover, these data are used to examine what is not being addressed in the field at the current time. Results point to a lack of focus on methods, diversity, and technology, and the decline of the once‐popular absenteeism and turnover streams of research. Also lacking is variance in research methodologies, with empirical analyses, specifically regression, being the most frequently employed methodology. The article concludes with suggestions for future HRM research.




Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management,Applied Psychology

Reference35 articles.

1. Butler, J.E., Ferris, G.R. and Napier, N.K. (1991), Strategy and Human Resources Management, South‐Western, Cincinnati, OH.

2. Caliguiri, P.M. (1999), “The ranking of scholarly journals in international human resource management”, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 10, pp. 515‐9.

3. Chadwick, C. and Cappelli, P. (1999), “Alternatives to generic strategy typologies in strategic human resource management”, in Wright, P., Dyer, L., Boudreau, J. and Milkovich, G. (Eds), Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, Supplement 4, Strategic Human Resources Management in the 21st Century, JAI Press, Greenwich, CT, pp. 11‐29.

4. Chalofsky, N.E. (1996), “Professionalization comes from theory and research: the ‘why’ instead of the ‘how to’”, in Rowden, R. (Ed.), Workplace Learning: Debating Five Critical Questions of Theory and Practice. New Directions for Adult Continuing Education, No. 72, Jossey‐Bass, San Francisco, CA, pp. 51‐6.

5. Chalofsky, N.E. (1998), “Professionalization comes from theory and research: the ‘why’ instead of the ‘how to’”, in Torraco, R. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development Annual Conference, Academy of Human Resource Development, Baton Rouge, CA, pp. 666‐70.

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