1. Bell, D., McBride, P. and Wilson, G. (1994), Managing Quality, Butterworth‐Heinemann, Oxford.
2. Campanella, J. (Ed.) (1987a), Quality Costs: Ideas and Applications, Vol. 2, ASQC Quality Press, American Society for Quality Control, Milwaukee, WI.
3. Campanella, J. (1987b), “Quality costs: principles and implementation”, in Campanella, J. (Ed.), Quality Costs: Ideas and Applications, Vol. 2, ASQC Quality Press, American Society for Quality Control, Milwaukee, WI, pp. 460‐73.
4. Campanella, J. (Ed.) (1999), Quality Costs: Principles and Implementation and Use, Quality Costs Press, American Society for Quality Control, Milwaukee, WI.
5. Carr, L.P. (1992), “Applying cost of quality to a service business”, Sloan Management Review, Vol. 33 No. 4, pp. 72‐8.